Thursday, October 14, 2010

Vendor Spotlight: Spiral Hand, Floral Designers

Leah Gagne and Rafael Campos of Spiral Hand joined forces in 2004 and haven’t looked back since. It was their mutual love of events, design and flowers that brought them together and weddings seem to mesh these elements perfectly to a T. They enjoy working intimately with couples, finding out who they are, their favorite things, colors, music, hobbies, etc. and attempt to create a totally unique event for them. And they pride themselves in not being a "cookie cutter" florist and by taking this approach, they’re able to expand their creativity to come up with unique floral designs and settings for each wedding.

One look at their work, we had to ask them what their inspirations are. Their list is long and you can see it. “Inspirations come from nature, taking walks on the beach, in the woods, urban settings. Fashion, music, and friends are all inspirations to us,” Leah tells us. “I think staying fresh comes from even walking through the flower market on a regular basis and seeing all the new stuff that comes through. Succulents, branches, fruits + vegetables and mosses…we love texture!” We have the best flower market in the States!” Indeed. The beauty of the Bay Area…

Why Spiral Hand? Besides the visually obvious, Leah and Rafael have a different perspective to design approach, wanting to create floral designs and weddings that are an extension of their perspective clients. It’s not just about the flowers per say: they look at the overall design of an event and enhance it with their magic spiral hands. We think they're pretty fab.

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