Thursday, March 25, 2010

Vendor Spotlight: Torryne Choate, Floral Designer

Torryne Choate, Floral Designer

For Torryne Choate, weddings just never get old. “I tear up each and every time,” she sees the bride in her dress and her reaction to her bouquet. Torryne takes great pleasure in working with each client individually to create a one-of-a-kind look for their big day.

A florist for 19 years, Torryne began as an apprentice and quickly became a staff designer at a small florist in Los Altos, California. She told herself that as long as she enjoyed working with flowers, she would continue. To this day she loves her profession and now has her own company, Birch SF. Her storefront in Hayes Valley is beautiful and modern; design magazines stack the walls, as do unique plants and flowers and gifts. And her adorable Jack Russell terrier may even greet you with a ball if you’re lucky – he’s a ham.

In addition to her daughter, music, fashion, and her friends, what inspires Torryne: “I start each day at the flower market, selecting my product for the day. I liken this daily experience to choosing my paint colors for my work.” She’s a true artist – and you can tell by the way she describes the experience.

One of the most unique jobs she’s ever done happened for a bride that had an upscale farm stand. Torryne created fresh soil mounds running down the center line, adorned with farm-stand fruits, vegetables and rustic flowers. Aaah, the fruits of labor. Check out Torryne’s website for her most original creations.